
My first blog!!!!

Wondering where to begin or better yet how to begin iv pondered for a few months excited at the thought of starting my blog. My Facebook is up and running almost a year and the website is growing day by day so it's only natural that I enter the world of blogging.
Today I'm writing about the best oven cleaner I have come across, no need to take a second glance at the heading of my page this is all about my journeys and love of baking cupcakes and everything a sweet tooth craves but cleanliness is big in my book so before I welcome any one to pop their apron on get to the shops and buy OVEN PRIDE, now iv tried a few of these oven cleaners before but to be honest they didn't float my boat. So I got home emptied my oven of the grill tray and three oven racks and popped them in the giant bag provided it told me to put in maximum two racks but naughty me popped the lot in....it then tells you to pour in 3/4 of the bottle into the bag seal it and swirl it round and round so I did, and almost immediately the clear solution became grimey naturally I was impressed. With there remaining liquid in the bottle it tells you to pour into your oven and spread it out covering all areas, and let to you there was plenty left to cover the grill and oven....so now you pop the kettle on and have a cup of tea and get on with your evening come back in a few hours a BAM your oven, trays and racks are spotless!!!!

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