
Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) - Round Up

To all Aspiring Bakers, thank you for your fantastic and wonderful support for the Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011). Special thanks to Small Small Baker, my fellow blogger pal all these years, for giving me the honour to host this blog event.

For the past 30 days, I have so much fun going through each entry. I am so inspired by the beautiful, handmade creations submitted by all the talented bakers out there. With their selfless sharing of recipes and useful tips, I hope this time next year, we aspiring bakers are able to bring our mooncake-making skills to greater heights. I believe the true spirit of such baking events is to learn and share our experiences with one another, don't you think so?

We received a total of 129 entries for the September event! I have grouped them into 5 different categories, according to the type of mooncakes. I am sure you will have a mouth watering time going through the list below :D

Baca Juga

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baked Mooncakes 烤月饼~~~~~~~~~~~~

传统月饼 by Siew Hwei of 简单生活,随心所欲,快乐充实

Traditional Baked Mooncake (2011) by Ann of Anncoo Journal

Baked Red Bean Paste Mooncake (Vegetarian - without egg glaze) by Li Ying of Happy Flour

Traditional Mooncakes (广式咖啡莲蓉月饼) by Happy Home Baker of Happy Home Baking

Traditional Mooncakes ~ 2011 by Cheah of No-Frills Recipes

Corns and Lotus Paste Mooncake 粟米莲蓉月饼 by Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover

传统单黄翡翠白莲蓉月饼 by abbymonster of Abbymonsterの歇息站

Traditional Baked Mooncake by Shirley@kokken69 of Kokken69

Traditional Mooncake by Eileen of Hundred Eighty Degrees

传统月饼~Pandan豆蓉内 by Siew Hwei of 简单生活,随心所欲,快乐充实

Traditional Mooncake by Yvonne of Muimui25

椰香月饼 by Joceline of My Life ~ ‘爱’生活

Chocolate Mooncake with Cream Cheese Filling by SCP79 of Love to cook and cook to be loved

Lotus Seed Paste and Cheddar Cheese Mini Mooncake by Xandra of Xandra's Cooking & Baking Journal

竹炭黑芝麻月饼 by 鲸鱼 of 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝

Traditional Mooncake by Jennifer Ang of Jens Kitchen Diary

Traditional Baked Mooncakes by Alice of I Love.I Cook.I Bake.

Baked Mooncake with Roasted Sunflower Seeds and White Lotus Paste by Miss CoCo of Miss CoCo Eats

Shanghai Mooncake by MF of Cherry Potato

Golden Egg Lotus Paste Mooncake (金蛋莲蓉小月饼) by Li Ying of Happy Flour

Baked Walnut Mooncake by Edith of pReCiouS MoMentS

上海月饼 by Siew Hwei of 简单生活,随心所欲,快乐充实

Cheesy Shanghai Mooncake 上海月饼 (芝士香) by Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover

Cheese Mooncake by Helen of The Dessert Fanatic

Pumpkin Paste 'Mooncake' by Baker of bittenbythebakingbug

芝士上海月饼 by abbymonster of Abbymonsterの歇息站

核桃酥 by Esther of 我的厨房乐园

Mooncake or not? by quizzine of bakingoncloud9

Shanghai Mooncakes by Wendy Han / Wen of Wen's Delight

Shanghai Mooncake by Yvonne of Muimui25

Walnuts Mooncake by Yvonne of Muimui25

Custard Shanghai Mooncake by SCP79 of Love to cook and cook to be loved

Vegetarian Mooncakes by Cindy of Cindy's Journal

Walnut Moontart 核桃月饼 by Angel of Cook.Bake.Love

Lotus Paste Pork Floss Butter Mooncake 超级白莲蓉肉松奶油月饼 by Angel of Cook.Bake.Love

Walnut Mooncake by DG of Tested & Tasted

莲蓉酥 by Jessie of Hearty Bakes

Pseudo Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Pastry by Ping of Ping's Pickings

Shanghai Mooncakes by hanushi of Hanushi

Cheesy Shanghai Mooncakes by Alice of I Love. I Cook. I Bake.

Handmade Piggy Mooncakes by Ann of Anncoo Journal

Fish Shaped Mooncakes by BB of HoneyBeeSweets

Piggy and Bunny Mooncakes by Jasline of Food Is My Life

欢乐庆中秋 by Honey Boy of Cosy Bake

Mooncake Piggies by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids

咸香莲蓉公仔饼 by Joceline of My Life ~ ‘爱’生活

年年有余公仔饼 (椰菜馅) by Joceline of My Life ~ ‘爱’生活

Handmade Piggies by Blessed Homemaker of Blessed Homemaker

Bunnies Mooncake by Happy Home Baker of Happy Home Baking

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snowskin Mooncakes 冰皮月饼 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Green Tea Snowskin Mooncake 绿茶冰皮月饼 by Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover

Orange Green Tea Pingpi Mooncakes by Lirong of L.I.R.O.N.G

Chocolate Snowskin Mooncake with Assorted Nuts by Edith of pReCiouS MoMentS

Banana Snowskin Mooncake by SSB of Small Small Baker

Snowskin Mooncake by Abbygail Tan of Abbygail's Kitchen

Snowskin with Champagne or Brandy Truffles by Edith of pReCiouS MoMentS

Durian Snowskin Mooncake by Shirley@Kokken69 of Kokken69

Pandan Snowskin Mooncake by Eileen of Hundred Eighty Degrees

Chocolate Snowskin Mooncake by Eileen of Hundred Eighty Degrees

Snowskin Mooncake by Ann of Anncoo Journal

冰皮月饼 by Jessie of Hearty Bakes

Hello Kitty Mooncakes for Orphans by Han Ker of Hankerie

玫瑰冰皮月饼 by myme of 最爱的。。。。

Mini rainbow snow skin mooncakes by Geok Lian
"The skin is not exactly rainbow though I named it rainbow snow skin. For this attempt, I divided the ingredients into two portions and replaced the cold water with pandan juice for one half of the portion. The other half retains the original recipe. Recipe: Adapted from She Bakes and She Cooks"

Berry Tea Snow Skin Mooncake with Lotus Paste by Li Ying of Happy Flour

DIY Bunny Mochi Mooncake by Han Ker of Hankerie

Green Tea Snowskin Mooncake by Ann of Anncoo Journal

Mini Snowskin Mooncake by Happy Homebaker of Happy Home Baking

Mango Snowskin Mooncake by SSB of Small Small Baker

Mocha Oreo Snowskin Mooncake by SSB of Small Small Baker

Mini Snow Skin Mooncakes with Melon Seeds and Lotus Paste (冰皮月饼) by Janine of Not the Kitchen Sink!

Mixed Flavour Mini Snowskin Mooncakes by Yvonne of Muimui25

芒果冰皮月饼 by Joceline of My Life ~ ‘爱’生活

Snow Skin Mooncake by Xandra of Xandra's Cooking & Baking Journal

Snowskin Mooncake by Lyn of My Little Messy N Cheeky

金粟莲蓉南瓜冰皮小月饼 by Joceline of My Life ~ ‘爱’生活

Snowskin Mooncakes by Blessed Homemaker of Blessed Homemaker

Chocolate Snowskin with Custard Filling Mooncakes by Alice of I Love.I Cook.I Bake.

Chocolate Snowskin by Sherlyn of Sherlyn's hobbies blog

Purple Sweet Potato Snowskin Mooncake by Ah Tze of Awayofmind

Peppermint Snowskin with Chocolate Baileys Mint Filling Mooncakes by Alice of I Love. I Cook. I Bake.

Snowskin Custard Mooncake by Kim of Ricecooker Generation

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Puff Pastry Mooncakes 酥皮月饼~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spiral Mooncake by Cheah of No-Frills Recipes

Teochew Flaky Spiral Mooncake by Abbygail Tan of Abbygail's Kitchen

Thousand Layers Mini Yam Mooncake by Vivian Pang of Vivian Pang Kitchen

班兰莲蓉酥 by Bernice of Bernice の小天地

芋头酥 by 茄子 of 袅袅烘焙香

梅花酥 by 茄子 of 袅袅烘焙香

Thousand Layer Mooncake with Purple Sweet Potato Filling by Vivian Pang of Vivian Pang Kitchen

Flaky Swirl Yam Mooncake 芋頭酥 by Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover

Winter Plum Blossom Flower Flaky Mooncake 梅花酥 by Eileen of Hundred Eighty Degrees

Flaky Mooncake by Eileen of Hundred Eighty Degrees

芋头酥 Yam Puff Pastry by Bernice of Berniceの小天地

红麴咸莲蓉肉松酥 by abbymonster of Abbymonsterの歇息站

酥皮月饼 by 蔚蓝月of 蔚蓝月夜

Flaky Flower Mooncake by Vivian Pang of Vivian Pang Kitchen

芋头酥,榴莲冰皮月饼 by Jane of Jane's Corner

芋泥酥 by abbymonster of Abbymonsterの歇息站

Taro/Yam Flaky Mooncake by Cindy of yummylittlecooks

Fookchow Mooncakes by Lena of frozen wings

Purple Sweet Potato Mooncakes (紫地瓜酥饼) by BB of HoneyBeeSweets

Flaky Mooncakes (Fookchow style) by Vivian Pang of Vivian Pang Kitchen

Flaky Pastry Mooncakes by Hui Qi
(Source of recipe: Happy Home Baking)

Sweet Yam Bread Loaf and Flaky Spiral Yam Mooncakes by BB of HoneyBeeSweets

Teochew Style Flaky Swirl Yum Mooncake 潮式香芋千层酥 by Angel of Cook.Bake.Love

蔓越莓酥 by 鲸鱼 of 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝

咖啡酥 by 鲸鱼 of 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝

Pink Swirl Flaky Mooncakes by Curly Lashes Baker of Curly Lashes Treats

Thousand Layers Yam Mooncake (Teochew Spiral Mooncake) by Ah Tze of Awayofmind

Fookchow Red Bean Mooncakes by Gertrude of My Kitchen Snippets

班兰酥 by 茄子 of 袅袅烘焙香

Green Tea Flaky Mooncakes by hanushi of Simply Hanushi

Matcha Swirl Mooncakes by hanushi of Simply Hanushi

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agar Agar Mooncakes 燕菜月饼 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

椰浆黑芝麻燕菜月饼 by Esther of 我的厨房乐园

Cendol Gula Melaka Agar-agar Mooncakes by Yvonne of iceamericanos

Pumpkin Black Sesame Agar-agar Mooncakes 南瓜椰香黑芝麻燕菜月饼 by Yvonne of iceamericanos

Dragon Fruit Sesame Agar Agar Mooncake by Peng of pengskitchen

Cendol Red Bean Jelly Mooncake by Adeline of Lite Home Bake

班兰玉米燕菜月饼 by Esther of 我的厨房乐园

芋头燕菜月饼 by 茄子 of 袅袅烘焙香

Green Tea and Red Bean Agar Agar Mooncakes by Peng of pengskitchen

Yam Agar Agar Mooncake by Peng of pengskitchen

Lychee Konnyaku Jelly Mooncake by Vivian Pang of Vivian Pang Kitchen

Dragon Fruit Corn Kennels Agar-agar Mooncakes 火龙果粟米燕菜月饼 by Yvonne of iceamericanos

绿茶莲蓉燕菜月饼 by MF of Cherry Potato

Agar agar Mooncakes by Peihwa of Love Melody, Love Baking

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ice Cream Mooncakes 冰淇淋月饼 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

巧克力冰淇淋月饼 by 茄子 of 袅袅烘焙香

DIY Ice Cream Mooncake by Han Ker of Hankerie

Green Tea Ice-Cream Mooncakes by Peng of pengskitchen

Strawberry Ice Cream Mooncake by 茄子 of 袅袅烘焙香

Thank you everyone for making this month's event a success. The theme for next month is: Aspiring Bakers #12: Traditional Kueh (October 2011), hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker. The closing date is: 31 October 2011. All entries will be complied and posted by 1 November 2011.

I look forward to your continuous support to the Aspiring Bakers!

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