
R2D2 Star Wars Birthday Cake

Something very exciting and a little scary happened here last week...

My daughter became a teenager!

Gladly, she did not morph overnight into a self-absorbed, constantly texting drama queen.
But I really wasn't worried about that...

I sometimes think that God sent me the easy child first, so that I would have more children!
Our oldest child, Brynn, is unique and wonderful in so many ways.

Her loves are:
Star Wars,
reading non-stop,
making origami animals,
and her two pet snakes.

For her birthday, she requested a cake with R2D2 on the top.

So, I made this buttercream transfer!
This decorating technique involves piping buttercream frosting on to a template,
then transferring it to your cake.

Cute little droid, isn't he?

Do you have a Star Wars fan in your family?
You can find my R2D2 template (made by my graphic designer hubby) here.

And my step-by-step tutorial on how to make a buttercream transfer is here

May the Force be with you!

I share my recipes and tutorials at these fun link parties.
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