
Pablo's new menu

If I am to make this little piece of web my home, I really owe it to be completely myself. And the bottom line is that I have been struggling the past couple of weeks. Struggling to find time, to get organized, to write, cook, photograph, work, take care of baby and the millions of other things I feel I should be doing. I know shoulds are never useful to anyone. But my brain sure has a daunting list of shoulds for me these days. I should have posted this weekly menu yesterday. I should have published more posts to the blog last week, I should stop comparing myself to other people who seem to accomplish so much more than I do... 
So, enough with the shoulds, no time like the present. I am writing this afternoon, and that's that.
Wisdom tells me to start thinking about what I am grateful for, when the shoulds start flooding my life.
And I am immensely grateful for my son, whose existence prompted me to create this blog, and who holds a fork with such happy gusto and stares at photos of cheese with such delectation that I can do nothing else but smile at life... and keep going.
Cheeses of the week: Following French tradition, I always offer a little bit of cheese at the end of every meal, between the main course and dessert. Rotation this week: Petit Basque (sheep's milk), St Agur blue cheese, Goat brie (and Babybel when we eat on the road)

Desserts: At lunch, I offer a fruit yogurt (or plain yogurt with fresh fruit), but at night, I prefer sticking to plain yogurt (regular homemade* whole milk, sheep’s milk, goat's milk and Greek yogurt for extra protein) to avoid too much sugar before bedtime.

If you would like a particular recipe on the menu, feel free to contact me! (I marked with a * the recipes that will be the topic of upcoming posts).


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Watermelon Gazpacho from Cannelle & Vanille
Main course: Marinated sardines and confit onions tartine from C'est moi qui l'ai fait blog

Goûter (4pm snack) - Kiwi                                          


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Green lentil salad*
Main course: Grilled whole Turbot fish



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Cauliflower salad
Main course: Beef patties with simple ratatouille

Goûter - Watermelon


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Shrimp
Main course: Fennel & shallot soup inspired from this soup on Cannelle & Vanille



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Cucumber in yogurt tarragon sauce
Main course: Ham, kale & potato puree

Goûter - Pear


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Green beans and potato salad
Main course: Pan-fried veal liver with quinoa



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Avocado
Main course: Shallot tatin*

Goûter - Passion fruit cream pots found on Technicolor Kitchen blog


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Endive and hearts of palm salad
Main course: Tuna, pasta, butternut squash and pea casserole*



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Authentic Greek salad
Main course: Broccoli Chicken Tart*

Goûter - Rice pudding with fruit*


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Mixed veggies (whatever we have left!) quinoa salad
Main course: Tofu, celery root puree



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Leek whites with vinaigrette
Main course: Tomatoes stuffed with sardines*

Goûter - Apple & pear compote


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Hearts of palm, corn & tomato salad
Main course: Grilled lamb chops with flageolets beans



Goûter - Grapes


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Vegetable noodles
Main course: Cream of chicken and watercress soup*


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