Lemonade Cake with Strawberry-Lemonade Icing
Happy Birthday to Me!
My husband decided that for my birthday this year, he would make something from this blog for me. I couldn't let that go without some documentation.
He chose to take these Strawberry-Lemonade Cupcakes, and turn them into a cake.
I have to tell you, it's really, really hard to stand by and watch while your non-baker (though decent at cooking) husband follows a recipe I made! But I mostly stayed out of his way... other than with a camera.
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My husband decided that for my birthday this year, he would make something from this blog for me. I couldn't let that go without some documentation.
He chose to take these Strawberry-Lemonade Cupcakes, and turn them into a cake.
I have to tell you, it's really, really hard to stand by and watch while your non-baker (though decent at cooking) husband follows a recipe I made! But I mostly stayed out of his way... other than with a camera.
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