
The hubby's shortbread cookies

As long as I can remember when christmas came around in our house so did the tins of shortbread cookies sprinkled with sugar in all different shapes, they were my dads all time favourites + now it turns out its the hubby's all time fave cookie all year round not just christmas, at christmas the dosage just goes up in shocking quantities!!!!

So christmas gone I decided I was going to make food hampers for everyone instead of buying something for the sake of buying it.... One of the hamper fillers was these shortbread cookies + they were a complete success . So now that we are in Canada + the Hubby is working all hours I said it would be the perfect treat for him when he came home this evening...

For this recipe you will need:

180g of real butter
70g of icing sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
180g of flour
70g of corn flour

Firstly pop the oven on @ 160'
Make sure your butter is really soft so it is easy to cream with your icing sugar. Next add the flour, corn flour + baking powder together, then slowly mix all the ingredients together. The consistency will be quite crumbly but thats good that is the nature of the cookie.

Once it has almost come together dust your countertop with flour and topple out your dough + knead for a moment or two. Next wrap the dough in cling film + pop in your fridge for 1/2 hour.

So  1/2 hour is up unwrap the dough + pull off approximately 23 little dough balls + place on your baking trays. Lastly get a fork + squash down onto the dough. Pop these in the oven for no more than 12 mins. they will come out light in colour but I guarantee they will be fully cooked....

Be prepared to eat 1/3 of the cookies once they come out of the oven as they are to irresistible!!!!

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