
Refreshing Sips

Here's sharing with you a lovely quote to start my post...

The fact that I can 
plant a seed and it becomes a flower,
share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's,
smile at someone and receive a smile in return,
are to me continual spiritual exercises.
-- Leo Buscaglia

which has inspired me to keep up with blogging...

The weather is getting hotter and hotter everyday and I am not looking forward to the days and weeks ahead when my room temperature hits above 32 degC. The other day, I was browsing one of my favourite magazines in the library when I came across this passion fruits drink recipe. It was an instant hit, what a perfect thirst quencher for any hot sunny afternoons!

I have used passion fruits to make jam and chiffon cakes but never in a drink. Passion fruits, also known as 百香果 in Chinese (literally translated as '100-fragrance-fruit' and the pronunciation of 百香 actually sounds quite close to 'passion'), has a rich, tropical aroma and flavour. When I left the drinks to chill in the fridge, I was welcomed with a wonderful, fruity fragrant whenever I opened the fridge door. It was as though my fridge was stock up to the brim with a variety of fresh tropical fruits!

The passion fruits I bought came from Indonesia, they were golden-yellow with small white speckles on the skin before the fruits were ripe. Passion fruits will taste sweet only when fully ripened. The skin will be slightly wrinkled, changed to a darker shade of red and the shell should feel soft.

Fruity with a hint of tangy sweetness, this easy homemade refreshing sipper is a great alternative to soft drinks. I like the texture of the crunchy seeds too...makes me feel as though I am chewing on ice cubes. Why not kick start your weekend with this delicious beverage to cool off the hot sunny days ahead?!

Lime and Passion Fruits Drink

(serves 4)

3 passion fruits, well ripened
6 limes
75g rock sugar
2 tablespoons honey (adjust to taste)
4 cups water


  • Boil water and rock sugar in a pot.
  • Cut passion fruits into halves. Remove the pulps with a spoon and add into the water and sugar mixture. Leave to boil for 5 mins until the rock sugar is fully dissolved.
  • Squeeze juice of 2 limes into the mixture. 
  • Stir in honey, mix till honey is dissolved, add more honey if desired. 
  • Leave to cool completely. 
  • Portion drinks into 4 cups. Cut the remaining 4 limes into halves and add 2 halves into each cup.
  • Leave drinks to chill in the fridge before serving.

Recipe source: adapted from 贝太厨房

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